240 is 240. It is not a fraction.
160 as a fraction = 160/1
80 160 240 320 400 480
Assuming that's percent, the answer is 160.
It is 15/160, which you can simplify if required.
240 is 240. It is not a fraction.
The greatest common factor of 160 and 240 is 80.
Well, honey, if you wanna get technical, 160 is two-thirds of 240. And if you wanna be all fancy with decimals, that's 0.66666666666667. So there you have it, two-thirds or 0.66666666666667, take your pick!
160 as a fraction = 160/1
160%= 160/100 or 8/5 in fraction
150 percent of 160 is 240.
80 80 + —— 160 160 80 + —— 240
It is simply 240/1 as an improper fraction
It is simply: 240/1 as an improper fraction
To find two-thirds of 240, you first need to calculate what one-third of 240 is. One-third of 240 is 240 divided by 3, which equals 80. Therefore, two-thirds of 240 is 80 multiplied by 2, which equals 160. So, two-thirds of 240 is 160.
0.01875 as a fraction is 3/160.