To divide 2485 by 35, you would perform long division. The first step is to determine how many times 35 can fit into 24 (the first two digits of 2485), which is 0 times. Then, bring down the next digit, 8, making the number 248. 35 can fit into 248 seven times (7 x 35 = 245). Subtracting 245 from 248 leaves a remainder of 3. Finally, bring down the last digit, 5, making the number 35, which can fit into 35 exactly once. Therefore, 2485 divided by 35 is 71 with a remainder of 0.
2485 km = 1,544.12 miles.
base ten model for 2485
813145 divided into 35 = 23232.714285714286
23 divided 35 = 0.6571428571428571
280 divided into 35 = 8
Both are correct as both equations can be resolved, here are the answers. 35 divided by 7 = 5 7 divided by 35 = 0.2
No. 35 divided by 8 equals 4.375 .35 divided by 5 equals 7 .
560 divided by 16 equal = 35