When trying to simplify a fraction or bring it to its lowest terms - we simply look for the highest number that fits both evenly into the numerator and denominator.
So 24/40 in its lowest form is 3/5.
It is 3/5 in its lowest terms
40 over 36 in lowest terms = 10/9 or 11/9
in the lowest terms it would be 5 over 12
24 / 4 = 6 / 2 = 3 ----- 40 / 4 = 10 / 2 = 5 Answer is 3/5th
Divide 40 and 100 by 20 and you get: 2/5 (two over five) which is the lowest terms.
7/40 is already in its lowest terms
It is already in lowest terms.
11/40 is in its lowest terms.
8 over 13
5 over 8
It is: 30/40 = 3/4.
32/40 = 4/5