To express 25.2 as a fraction, we first need to consider the decimal point. Since 25.2 has one decimal place, we can write it as 25.2/10, as the decimal point represents tenths. To simplify this fraction, we can divide both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common factor, which is 2. This gives us the simplified fraction 126/5.
6 and 2/25, or 252/25
210⁄252 = 5⁄6
Well, honey, 8 percent is the same as 8 out of 100. So, the fraction equivalent is 8/100, which simplifies down to 2/25. Math lesson over, now go enjoy a slice of cheesecake or something.
0.252 as a fraction = 252/1000 or 63/250 in lowest term 0.252 * 1000/1000 = 252/1000 or 63/250 in fraction in lowest term
2.52= 252/100
There are an infinite number of them. The only one in lowest terms is 252/1 .
148 over 252 can be written as a fraction as 148/252. it can be further simplified to 37/63
6 and 2/25, or 252/25
210⁄252 = 5⁄6
25.2% to fraction:25.2%= 0.252= 252/1000= 63/250
There are an infinite number of them.One of them is 252/7 .