As the UK since the mid '70s has used the short scale (even though it wants to be part of Europe), 2 billion pounds = £2,000,000,000.00
At the current exchange rate this equates to 2,475,642,681.07 € which is approx 2.476 milliard (thousand million) Euros (as Europe uses the long scale).
2 billion
a billion pounds is a million million. so a trillion is a billion billion. 1 trillion equals 1,000,000,000,000
49.99 Euros = 44.27 British pounds as of 5th April 2010 (note: exchange rates change daily)
1.35 billion pounds = approx 603 thousand Imperial tonnes.
Pounds, Dollars, Euros, Rupees, Yens.
I billion in what currency? Pounds? Euros? Roubles?
2 billion euros is equivalent to $2445900000.00. This is because the ration of euros to dollars is 1:1.22295. So 2 billion euros multiply by 1.22295 is $2445900000.00. The exchange rate may vary as they frequently change.
The answer is 2 pounds and 55pence
Google it, "10 euros to pounds"
The average income in Italy is approximately $23 938 USD a year. In Italy, this equals out to be approximately 2610 Euros annually.
44million pounds
2 billion pounds = 907,184,740 kilograms.
2 billion pounds of mud will fill a pretty big hole.
30 euros into pounds
They are the same thing,just different names.They are 2 times the amount of an American dollar.Meaning 1 dollar in America is the equivilant of 2 Euros(Pounds)
2 British pounds = 2.35 Euros, at the time of writing.
90 euros = 75.614 pounds