

What is 2 exponent 8?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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Q: What is 2 exponent 8?
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What is the exponent of 8 squared?

8^2 = 64 The exponent is 2

How do you solve when you have a negative exponent?

A negative exponent is the same as 1/(the positive exponent). For example, 2^3 is (2*2*2) = 8. 2^(-3) is 1/(2*2*2) = 1/8. So, just calculate the positive exponent version, and put it under 1.

How do i do an exponent?

An exponent involve two numbers. For example: 8 to the power of 2 means 8 x 8 = 64. It can be expressed: 8^2 = 64, or 8² = 64

Rewrite 8x8 using an exponent?

8 to the power of 2, like 8^2

What is meant by exponent of a number?

It is the power of a number as for example 82 whereas 2 is the power or exponent and it means 8*8 = 64

What is 64 in exponential form with 2 or 3 as the exponent?

Two to the sixth power. 8 with an exponent of 2 equals 64 and 4 with an exponent of 3 equals 64

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How would 8 x 8 x 8 x 8 be written using an exponent?

8 with an exponent of four

What is 8x8 in exponent form?


What is the exponent and base for 262144?

The two are related. The answer could be base 2, exponent 18 or base 8, exponent 6 or base 10, exponent 5.4185 or base 262144, exponent 1 or base 68,719,476,736 and exponent 0.5

How do you find a reciprocal of a number with an exponent?

You change the sign of the exponent. For example, the reciprocal of 2 to the power 8 is 2 to the power -8. Alternately, you can change the whole expression to the denominator. In this case, the reciprocal of 2 to the power 8 is 1 divided by (2 to the power 8).

What is 6.98 with an exponent of -8?

6.98 with an exponent of -8 = -1.0199999999999996