6 and 2 sevenths
Ten sevenths or one and three sevenths
The answer is six
6 wholes and 1 fifth or 6 wholes and 2 tenths.6 wholes and 1 fifth or 6 wholes and 2 tenths.6 wholes and 1 fifth or 6 wholes and 2 tenths.6 wholes and 1 fifth or 6 wholes and 2 tenths.
Negative 4 sevenths
10 and 6 sevenths
6 and 2 sevenths
Ten sevenths or one and three sevenths
The answer is six
They are: 5 and 4/10 and 8/10 which add up to 6 and 2/10 or 6.2
6/7 ÷ 3/7 = 2
6 wholes and 1 fifth or 6 wholes and 2 tenths.6 wholes and 1 fifth or 6 wholes and 2 tenths.6 wholes and 1 fifth or 6 wholes and 2 tenths.6 wholes and 1 fifth or 6 wholes and 2 tenths.
3/5+6/10 is 1.2 or 1 2/10
It is 15 divided by 2 and 6/7 = 5.25