10 to the 18th power is called Quintrillion
10 to the 18th power is equal to 10,000,000,000,000,000,000. This is because when you raise 10 to the 18th power, you are multiplying 10 by itself 18 times. Each time you multiply, you add a zero to the end of the number, resulting in a total of 18 zeros at the end.
A power means the number is mulitplied by itself the "power" number of times Thus 2 to the power 2 is the same as 2*2 2 to the power 3 is the same as 2*2*2 2 to the power 5 is the same as 2*2*2*2*2 So 2 to the power 40 is the same as 2*2*2....*2 (with 40 twos), which = 1099511627776
2 to the 100th power.
2¹⁰ + 2¹⁰ = 2 × 2¹⁰ = 2¹¹ = 2048
2 to the 18th power
2 to the 18th power.
10 to the 18th power is called Quintrillion
If you're talking very late 18th century, the answer would be Napoleon Bonaparte. The rest of the 18th century was not a period of major balance of power-shifts.
A large naval fleet allowed Britain to become a great power during the 18th century
10 to the negative 18th power is equal to 1 divided by 10 to the 18th power. In other words, it is equal to 0.000000000000000001, or 1 divided by 1 followed by 18 zeros. This number is a very small decimal fraction, indicating a minute value.
1018 equals 1,000,000,000,000,000,000