To express 3.08 as a fraction, we first need to consider the decimal places. Since there are two decimal places in 3.08, we can write it as 3.08/1. To remove the decimal, we multiply both the numerator and denominator by 100 to get rid of the decimal places, resulting in 308/100. Therefore, 3.08 as a fraction is 308/100, which can be simplified to 77/25.
3.08 = 308/100 = 77/25
308/100 Cancel down to 77/25
308 mg = (308 x 10^-3) g
It's quite possible to find two numbers whose sum is 308, two others whose differenceis 308, two more whose product is 308, and another two whose quotient is 308.But if you're looking for numbers that equal 308, then your only choice is 308 .
308.27 (decimal) 308 27/100 (fraction) 308-27/100 (fraction)
It is: 308/3 (approximately) as an improper fraction in its simplest form
3.08 = 308/100 or 77/25 in simplified fraction
3.08 meters in fraction = 308/100 or 77/25
3.08 = 308/100 = 77/25
3081/8 = (308*8+1)/ 8 = 2465/8
308/100 Cancel down to 77/25
3.08%= 0.0308 in decimal= 308/10000 or 77/2500 in fraction
3.08 = 308/100 = 77/25 or 32/25
A 150 grain bullet shot from a 308 will start dropping the fraction of a second it leaves the barrel.
Assuming that is 34.222... with the 2 recurring, then: 34.222... = 34 2/9 = 308/9