It is seven over 20.
35% = 7/20
35% is 0.35 as a decimal or 7/20 as a fraction in its lowest terms
Percent or per cent means per 100 so 35 percent as a fraction is 35/100. We can simplify this fraction to 7/20. So 7/20 or 35/100 is equivalent to 35 percent.
12/35 is the fraction in simplest form.
Divide percent values by 100 to convert them to fractions. Therefore, 35 % = 35/100 = 7/20. The decimal equivalent is 0.35
35/100 is how to write 35% as a fraction, and if you reduce, you get 7/20.
35 percent as a fraction in simplest form is 7/20
35% = 7/20
35% = 7/20
35% = 7/20
35/100 = 7/20
35% as a fraction in its simplest form is 7/20
35% = 7/20 in its lowest terms
35/100 or 7/20 in its simplest form
Percent or per cent means per 100 so 35 percent as a fraction is 35/100. We can simplify this fraction to 7/20. So 7/20 or 35/100 is equivalent to 35 percent.
35% is the same as writing 35/100, we notice that both numbers can be divided by 5. So the simplest form of 35% would be 7/20.