To convert a decimal to a fraction, we can first write the whole number part, which is 3. The decimal part, 0.8, can be written as 8/10. Simplifying the fraction by dividing the numerator and denominator by their greatest common factor, we get 3 8/10. Converting this mixed number to an improper fraction, we multiply the whole number (3) by the denominator (10) and add the numerator (8) to get 38. Therefore, 3.8 as an improper fraction is 38/10.
The improper fraction of 38/5 is 7 and 3/5 as a mixed number
38/3 or thirty-eight thirds
There is no equivalent improper fraction.
There is no equivalent improper fraction.
There is no equivalent improper fraction.
It is simply 38/1 as an improper fraction
38/9 is the improper fraction 4 2/9 is the mixed number
It is: 4 and 2/9 = 38/9 as an improper fraction
4 and 2/9 as an improper fraction is 38/9
It is neither: it is an integer.
The improper fraction of 38/5 is 7 and 3/5 as a mixed number
38 thirds
wat is ur problem?
2.38 = 2 38/100 which can be simplified to 2 19/50.
38.19 written as a fraction is 38 19/100 (38 and 19 over 100) 3819/100 (as an improper fraction it is 3819 over 100)
122/3 = 38/3