2950 to 3049
The hundred that is nearest to 202 is 200 .
To the nearest hundred, 31,400 To the nearest thousand, 31,000
To the nearest hundredth: 1.06 To the nearest hundred: Zero
To the nearest ten: 860 To the nearest hundred: 900
2950 to 3049
1 and 3049
It is 2,100 when rounded to the nearest hundred
The numbers are infinite but as integers to rounded to the nearest thousand they could be 2500 and 3400
To round 7.84 to the nearest hundred, we look at the digit in the hundreds place, which is 7. The digit to the right of the hundreds place is 8, which is greater than or equal to 5, so we round up. Therefore, 7.84 rounded to the nearest hundred is 8.
Zero is the nearest hundred. 6.56 is the nearest hundredth.
To the nearest hundredth: 7.11 To the nearest hundred: zero
Zero to the nearest hundred and 5.17 to the nearest hundredth.
To the nearest hundred is 0. It is 0.33 to the nearest hundredth.