308,000 is 505 away from 307,495307,000 is 495 away from 307,495So, 307,495 rounded to the nearest thousand is 307,000
Anything from 495 to 504
13 495 to the nearest thousand would be 13 000 because it is under 13 500 anyting 13 500 and over would round to 14 000, but it is under so 13 000. I hope you find this usefull. thank you.Alys x
4.95 dollars, to the nearest cent, is 495 cents.
308,000 is 505 away from 307,495307,000 is 495 away from 307,495So, 307,495 rounded to the nearest thousand is 307,000
495 is..
Anything from 495 to 504
495 to the nearest hundreds is 500
13 495 to the nearest thousand would be 13 000 because it is under 13 500 anyting 13 500 and over would round to 14 000, but it is under so 13 000. I hope you find this usefull. thank you.Alys x
4.95 dollars, to the nearest cent, is 495 cents.