Expressed as a decimal fraction, 38/40 = 0.95
91 over 40 = 91 divided by 40 = 2.275
using a calculator, type in 25 / (divided by) 31
15 divided by 40 is 0.375. That's the answer.
It is: 31/40 = 0.775
31/40 = 0.775
0.775 or percentage = 77.5%
31/40 = 31 divided by 40 = 0.775
31 over 5 writen as a decimal is 6.2.
Five over 40 as a decimal is 0.125.
25 over 40 as a decimal is 0.625.
7/8 + 9/10 Easy in decimal, .875 + .9 = 1.775 35/40 + 36/40 = 71/40 = 1 and 31/40
3 and 11 over 40 as a decimal is 3.275
In math 40 over 66 written as a decimal is 0.60606060606060.