2,430,000 in scientific notation is 2.43 × 106
The scientific notation of 4.2ns is 4.2 × 100ns
200.1 in scientific notation is: 2.001 × 102
13,500 in scientific notation is 1.35 × 104
It is 7.8*10^5 in scientific notation
3582 * 109 = 3.582 X 1012 ===========
3,582 gigabytes in Scientific Notation = 3.582 x 103 gigabytes.
What is 270 gigabytes in a scientific notation
3,582 in Scientific Notation = 3.582 x 103
It is 3.24*10^2 gigabytes.
Not sure
A GB is 1000MB. Therefore 7475MB is 7.475GB. Here is the scientific notation. 10e12 = TB (Terabyte) 10e9 = GB (Gigabyte) 10e6 = MB (Megabyte) 10e3 = KB (Kilobyte) *Note: e is equivalent to Exponent of (number).
Check your metric system unit multiplier prefixes. Giga- (G) means 1E9 in scientific notation. Tera- (T) means 1E12 in scientific notation.A GB is thus 1/1000th of a TB.This is analogous to these examples:a meter is 1/1000th of a kilometerthe height of a person 5 feet 3.36 inches tall is 1/1000th of a milea penny is 1/1000th of $10two pounds is 1/1000th of a tonetc.
It is 8.9*10^-5 in scientific notation
It is "(scientific notation)".
It is: 2.7*10^0 in scientific notation
This number in scientific notation is 9.8x10-5.