15x4 and 35x2 = 5x2
35x2 - 38x + 8
The answer is 70.
21x3-35x2+14x = 7x(3x2-5x+2)
The process: 70x2 35x2 5x7 The answer is 2x2x7.
-(5x + 3)(7x - 2)
(7x - 5)(5x - 2)
(5x - 3)(7x + 9)
35x2-36x-32 = (5x-8)(7x+4) when factored. 35*-32 = -1120 = -56*20 since -56+20 = -36 (35x - 56)(35x + 20) divide by 7 and 5 the coefficients of the two binomials (5x - 8)(7x + 4) or 35x2 - 56x + 20x - 32 = 7x(5x - 8) + 4(5x - 8) = (5x - 8)(7x + 4)
7x(3x3 - 2x2 + 5x + 1)