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1.05 cubic meters

You can not convert a cubic measurement (volume) to a square measurement (area).

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Q: What is 36.98 cu ft in square meters?
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How much sand would you need for a area 18 square meters 1 inch high?

18 sq m = 193.75 sq ft = 27900 sq in at 1 inch deep = 27900 cu in = 16.15 cu ft sand weighs 100 lbs/cu ft You need 100 x 16.15 = 1615 pounds or 16.15 cu ft = 0.6 yards

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sq feet to sq yards cu ft to cu yards you need depth added to your sq ft to get cu ft such as 70 sq ft x 4 in deep = 23.33 cu ft =.086 cu yd

What is 14 ft by 13ft into square meters?

14 ft by 13 ft is 182 square feet or 16.9 square meters.

How many cubic meters in 55.8 cubic feet?

55.8 cu ft = 1.581 cu metres.

What is 26ft by 13ft in square meters?

26 ft x 13 ft = 338 square ft 338 square feet = 31.4012 square meters

How many square meters are there in 18 ft by 11ft?

18 ft x 11 ft is 198 square feet. This converts to 18.4 (18.3948) square meters** Square feet x 0.092903 = square meters

Convert 5.022 cubic meters per second to cfs?

1 m = 3.28084 ft => 1 m3 = 35.31467 cu ft => 5.022 m3 = 177.35026 cu ft

How many cubic feet are in 64 square feet?

You cant. Cubic feet has an extra dimension. Square feet=lengthxwidth Cubic feet=Lengthxwidthxheight i dont know if this is reliable or not... This is a nonsensical question. You must specify the Depth to which you are spreading material over the 64 sq ft. For example, 21.3 cu ft can be spread to a depth of 4 inches over 64 sq ft. Example calculation: 64 sq ft x(4/12) ft = 21.3 cu ft

What is 14 ft by 14 ft in meters square?

Just convert the feet to meters (multiply the number of feet by 0.3048), then multiply meters by meters to get square meters.

How many liters of water in 9.5x4.5x1.2 swimming pool?

What are your dimensions in, ft, meters? Multiply all three numbers and you get the volume in whatever units your sizes are in. cu ft multiply answer by 28.32 cu meters multiply by 1000

What is 13 ft x 9 ft in meters?

13 ft x 9 ft is equal to 39.6 square feet. In meters, this area would be approximately 3.7 square meters.

13 ft by 13ft equals how many meters?

13 ft by 13 ft is 169 square feet or 15.7 square meters.