1 hour 48 seconds.
36/48 reduces to 3/4
60 seconds = 1 minute : 60 minutes = 1 hour, therefore 1 hour = 60 x 60 = 3600 seconds. 3648 seconds = 3648 ÷ 3600 = 1.0133 hours (4dp) or 1 hour 48 seconds.
3648 meters = 11,968.5 feet.
Well, honey, the greatest common factor of 48, 72, and 36 is 12. It's like finding the one thing they all have in common, like a guilty pleasure or a favorite movie. So, grab that calculator and show those numbers who's boss!
48 divided by 8 is 6 and 8 divided by 48 is 0.1 reoccurring 6
1 divided by (1/48) = 48
48 divided into 1218 = 0.03940886699507389