To simplify 36/132, we first find the greatest common divisor (GCD) of both numbers, which is 12. By dividing both the numerator and denominator by 12, we get 3/11. Therefore, 36/132 simplified is 3/11.
132/240 = 11/20
36/30 = 6/5
Since the numerator of the fraction 19/36 is prime, the fraction cannot be simplified any further.
yes-to 3 over 12
It is: 21/36 = 7/12 simplified
132/240 = 11/20
42/132 = 7/22
9/132 = 3/44
It is: 48/132 = 4/11 simplified
It is: 36/42 = 6/7 simplified
100 over 36 simplified = 25/9
83/132 cannot be simplified as hcf(83, 132) = 1.
80 over 36 simplified: 20 over 9 and as a mixed number it's 2 2/9