The simplest form is 19 over 50, but this site does not recognize 50 as a denominator. So the fraction must be written as 38/100.
38% as a fraction in its simplest form is 19/50
Since the denominator of the fraction is prime, the proper fraction 38/53 is already expressed in its simplest form.
19 over 50 is the fraction in its simplest form.
It is 19/50 of an inch as a fraction in its simplest form
30/38 = 15/19
38/55 is in its simplest form.
38 is an integer, not really a fraction. However, it can be expressed in the form of a rational fraction as 38/1.
In simplest form 32/38 is 16/19.
38 is an integer, not really a fraction. However, it can be expressed in the form of a rational fraction as 38/1.
38 % = 38/100, = 19/50 in simplest terms.
Since the denominator of the fraction is prime, the proper fraction 38/53 is already expressed in its simplest form.
the answer is 12.38% in percent form and 12 38/100 in fraction form
In its simplest form it is 38/1
38% = 0.38 or 19⁄50
19 over 50 is the fraction in its simplest form.
38% = 38/100 Simplified: 19/50
It is 19/50 of an inch as a fraction in its simplest form