400 x 38 = 15200
The number 38 can be broken down into its prime factors, which are 2 and 19. This means that 2 x 19 = 38. Additionally, 38 is an even number, as it is divisible by 2 without a remainder. In terms of mathematical operations, 38 can be added, subtracted, multiplied, or divided by other numbers to yield different results.
If the number, x, has 10 subtracted from twice it to make 28, then x must be 19. 2x - 10 = 28 2x = 38 x = 19
The number to be subtracted is 11.The number to be subtracted is 11.The number to be subtracted is 11.The number to be subtracted is 11.
9 subtracted from 40 = -31
1200 bc subtracted by 1600 = -400
400 x 38 = 15200
38 subtracted by 15 = 23
38*50 - 400 = 38*50 - 8*50 = (38 - 8)*50 = 30*50 = 1500 Simple: no calculator required!
x + 12 = 38. Subtract 12 from 38, getting 26. The 12 goes away because you subtracted it. x = 26, it cannot equal ten.
1 minute and 37 seconds into the past
100-400 USD
The number 38 can be broken down into its prime factors, which are 2 and 19. This means that 2 x 19 = 38. Additionally, 38 is an even number, as it is divisible by 2 without a remainder. In terms of mathematical operations, 38 can be added, subtracted, multiplied, or divided by other numbers to yield different results.