Well, let's think about this like a happy little math problem. 158 divided by 4 is 39 with a remainder of 2. So, 158 over 4 as a mixed number in simplest terms is 39 and 2/4, which simplifies to 39 and 1/2. Just remember, there are no mistakes in math, only happy accidents!
39 divided by 5 is 7 and 4 over, so 7 and 4/5 (seven and four-fifths)
It is: 4 and 3/7 as a mixed number
41/44 and 1 over 4
4 and 7/10
4 and 7/8
7 4/5
39/35 as a mixed number is 1 and 4/35
39/4= 9.75============which is an easy conversion to this mixed number,9 and 3/4=======
Well, let's think about this like a happy little math problem. 158 divided by 4 is 39 with a remainder of 2. So, 158 over 4 as a mixed number in simplest terms is 39 and 2/4, which simplifies to 39 and 1/2. Just remember, there are no mistakes in math, only happy accidents!
39 divided by 5 is 7 and 4 over, so 7 and 4/5 (seven and four-fifths)
13 x 3 = 39 so it is 3 with 4 left over (43 - 39 = 4) 3.4/13 or 3-4/13 Three and four-thirteenths
-4 and 39/50
3 over 4. There is no mixed number
The mixed number for 13 over 4 = 31/4
The mixed number for 33 over 4 is 81/4
53 over 4 is 13¼ as a mixed number.