if you multiply numerator and denominator by 2, 9/50 = 18/100 which as a decimal is 0.18
if you multiply numerator and denominator by 2, 13/50 = 26/100 which as a decimal is 0.26
Percent means out of 100 → 3 percent of 100 g = 3/100 × 100 g = 3 g
10 percent of 90 divided by 3 = 3
3 and 3/8 percent x 2600 = 8775.
49/50 = 98%
1 and 48/100ths or 1 and 24/50ths
No 3 and 30 50ths is
30/50 = 0.6
13/25 (or 0.52)
100*13/50 = 26%
27 100ths
It is equal to 54 100ths or .54
31/50 as percentage is 62%