693/3 = 231
To calculate this sort of subtraction problem the two fractions have to be converted so that they share the same denominator - the number below the line. This is done by calculating the lowest common denominator they share. As 11 is a prime and 63 is not a multiple of it, then the lowest common denominator will be 63 x 11 = 693. * To convert the 46/63 to a fraction with 693 as its denominator we need to multiply both the numerator and the denominator by 11. This gives 506/693. * To convert the 3/11 to a fraction with 693 as its denominator we need to multiply both the numerator and the denominator by 63. This gives 189/693. Now we can subtract 189 from 506. That gives 317. * 317/693 As 317 is a prime, and 693 is not a multiple of it, that fraction can not be simplified.
Yes. 693 divided by 9 is 77.
693 693 / 3 = 231 693 / 7 = 99 693 / 9 = 77 693 / 11 = 63
693 can be divided by 3 ==> composite number. This is an easy prime because if you make a sum of all the digits: 6 + 9 + 3 = 18, if you can devide this sum by 3 than you can also divide the original number by 3.
693/3 = 231