

What is 3 less than a number y?

Updated: 5/19/2023
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7y ago

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y minus 3

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Jyothi Sravani

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y - 3

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Q: What is 3 less than a number y?
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let x be one number and y be the other The first thing given is that x is 3 less than twice y so x=2y-3 and x+y=39 so x=39-y and substitute this into the first equation a 39-y=2y-3 42=3y y=14 and x=39-14 or 25 Answer x=25 and y=14 Now lets check it 25 is 3 less than 2x14 (YES) 14+25=39 (YES) Done

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4x-3 ----------- There is no specific answer to this question other than "another number" as the number in the question is unspecified. We could use algebra to represent this by, for example, calling the new value y and the original number x and saying that y = 4x - 3 (as above). We can not solve for y without knowing x here.

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What does less mean in math terms?

In mathematical terms, a number x is less than y if y - x is positive.