3 over 7 because nothing can get to 2 when your dividing by 9 plus 9/3=3 and 21/3=7 ( / = division)
In a division such as 7 divided by 3 = 2 + 1 The number you are dividing - 7 - is the dividend The number you are dividing by - 3 - is the divisor The number you get - 2 - is the quotient The number left over - 1 - is the remainder.
52 divided by 7 = 7 remainder 3
1/3 Divide 7/9 Remember for division of fractions invert (turn over) the right hand fraction and proceed as for multiplication of fractions. Hence 1/3 X 9/7 = Cancel down by '3' 1/1 X 3/7 = 3/7 The answer.
3 over 7 because nothing can get to 2 when your dividing by 9 plus 9/3=3 and 21/3=7 ( / = division)
The Division - 2001 Strangers 3-7 was released on: USA: 9 March 2003
Do the long division.
Its factors are: 1 3, 7 and 21 of which 3 and 7 are primes numbers
3 over 7
In a division such as 7 divided by 3 = 2 + 1 The number you are dividing - 7 - is the dividend The number you are dividing by - 3 - is the divisor The number you get - 2 - is the quotient The number left over - 1 - is the remainder.
Divide 7 by 3, using integer division. Write the result (which must be an integer) as the whole number. Write the remainder as the numerator, over the number 3 which is the denominator.
52 divided by 7 = 7 remainder 3
7 over 3 or 21/3
Fractions are really just division problems:7 over 8 = 7/8 = 7 ÷ 8 = 0.875
231 = 3*7*11
7 over 10 is greater. If you put both of these numbers in decimal you will get 7 over 10 as .7 and 3 over 10 as .3 The number 7 is greater than 3 so 7 over 10 is greater than 3 over 10.