There are 4 quarters in 1 dollar. To calculate the number of quarters in 1 and 3/4, you first convert 1 dollar to quarters (4 quarters), then add the additional 3 quarters for a total of 7 quarters in 1 and 3/4 dollars.
1 and 1/2
3 quarters & 2 nickels
(1 and 1/4) + 3/4 = 2
3/4 + 3/12 = 9/12+3/12 = 1
3 and 3 quarters?3 3/4 = 15/415 quarters
For every 3/4 of a cup add 1 cup: For every 3/4 cup of rice, add 1 cup of water For every 3/4 cup of sugar, add 1 cup of flour Etc.
3 quarters!
1 1/2