14.11931627 to the nearest hundred-thousandths is 14.11932
5.8125 rounded to the nearest thousandths-place is 5.813
1.664 rounded to the nearest ten thousandths place is 1.6640
5.9821 to the nearest ten-thousandths is 5.9821
160 to the nearest thousandths is 160.000
0.0367 to nearest thousandths is 0.037
0.2491666667 to the nearest thousandths is 0.249
35.67381216 to the nearest thousandths = 35.674
5.7441 to the nearest thousandths = 5.744
68.2467 to the nearest thousandths = 68.247
0.3981 to the nearest thousandths is 0.398
0.393700787 to the nearest thousandths is 0.394
40.324505 to the nearest thousandths is 40.325
3.0345 to the nearest thousandths is 3.035.
8,968 to the nearest thousandths is 8,968.000To the nearest thousands it is 9,000
8.009 The number is already to the nearest thousandths.