It is 0.86 to two decimal places
24.5834 to 2 decimal place is 24.58
To round 0.072 to one decimal place, you would look at the digit in the second decimal place, which is 2 in this case. Since 2 is less than 5, you would simply drop all digits after the first decimal place, resulting in 0.1.
-2 6.58x10
The Hundreds place for the 2 before the decimal but the hundredths place for the 2 behind the decimal
4.61 is at 2 decimal places To one decimal place it is 4.6
there is 2. Every diget after the point is a decimal place
1.556621881 rounded to zero decimal place = 2
2 tens
189.67 is 2 decimal places, but 5 significant figures
The tenths place is 2.
It is 14.88 rounded to two decimal places
It is: 2.96 rounded to two decimal places
It is 3.69 rounded to two decimal places