

What is 422400 to the nearest thousand?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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14y ago

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When rounding a number to the nearest thousand, you must use the following rules: a. last 3 whole numbers are 0 to 499 : zero the last 3 numbers b. last 3 whole numbers are 500 to 999 : zero the last 3 numbers and add 1000. do, in this case, the last 3 whole numbers of 422400 are 400 so rule a. applies and we just zero the "400" to "000". This gives the answer 422000 . In any rounding problem, rule a. is the lower half interval (in this case 0 to 499 out of 1000) and rule b. is the upper half interval (in this case 500 to 599 out of 1000). Note that each half interval is exactly 500 units here. That is, 000 to 499 is exactly 500 intervals, as is 500 to 599. Thus the rule exactly splits 1000 into 2 equal intervals. A common mistake that people make is to include the 500 in the lower half interval in this case. You can see by the above discussion that this is incorrect.

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