The nearest hundred of 279 is 300. When determining the nearest hundred, you look at the tens digit of the number in question. Since the tens digit of 279 is 7, which is greater than 5, you round up to the nearest hundred, which is 300.
279 rounded to the nearest ten is 280. The digit to the right of the tens is the ones. When rounding anything less than five you round down. When rounding anything five or more you round up. The ones digit is 9, which is more than 5, so you round up, making the answer 280.
279 - 125 = 154
279 / 2 is equal to 139.5
Yes 279/10 = 27.9
What does 279 round to?
The nearest hundred of 279 is 300. When determining the nearest hundred, you look at the tens digit of the number in question. Since the tens digit of 279 is 7, which is greater than 5, you round up to the nearest hundred, which is 300.
Approximately 279 million
Expressed as a surd, the square root of 279 is equal to 3 sqrt(31). Expressed as a decimal number, rounded to two decimal places, sqrt(279) = 16.70.
279 rounded to the nearest ten is 280. The digit to the right of the tens is the ones. When rounding anything less than five you round down. When rounding anything five or more you round up. The ones digit is 9, which is more than 5, so you round up, making the answer 280.
(100 x 279) / (43,560 square feet per acre) = 0.6405 acre (rounded)
7 x 10^22
It is: 13.78% rounded to two decimal places