44 divided by 4.91 = 4400 / 491 (When you have a decimal place in the numerator position you have to make it a whole number by moving the decimal over two places. That also means you have to move the decimal over on the denominator (using fraction words just for clarafication) two spaces also.) 491 goes into 4400 - 8 times = 3928 subtracted from 4400 = 472 left over (add a 0 at the end) 491 goes into 4720 - 9 times = 4419 subtracted from 4720 = 301 left over (add a 0 at the end) 491 goes into 3010 - 6 times = 2946 subtracted from 3010 = 64 So the answer is 8.96.
There are 491 tenths in 491. This is because one whole number is equivalent to 10 tenths. Therefore, to find the number of tenths in 491, you simply multiply 491 by 10, giving you 4910 tenths.
Attack of the Show - 2005 1-491 was released on: USA: 19 April 2007
491-216 = 275
1-492 = -491
Yes. 491 is prime.
There are 491 tenths in 491. This is because one whole number is equivalent to 10 tenths. Therefore, to find the number of tenths in 491, you simply multiply 491 by 10, giving you 4910 tenths.
491 multiplied by 3 is 1,473
491 + 284 = 775
491 centimeters = 4.91 meters
491 metres = 1610.9 feet