5 more than 4444...444 is 4444...449 where the number of digits remains the same, but the unit's digit (one's digit) becomes a 9.
55 + 4444 - 3 = 4496
440/550, 4444/5555, 4/5
44 add by 5 = 49
the product of 22 by 2 is 4444
1616 out of 4444 is one possible answer.
44 has three factor pairs:44 = 1 x 4444 = 2 x 2244 = 4 x 11
15 + 15 + 5 + 5 + 3 + 1 = 44
5 more than 4444...444 is 4444...449 where the number of digits remains the same, but the unit's digit (one's digit) becomes a 9.
The LCM of 4 and 11 is 44. Since 4 and 11 are co-prime, their LCM is their product.
#include <stdio.h> int main (void) { puts ("4 1 44 11 444 111 4444 1111 000000000 444444 3333 22 1"); return 0; }
The Roman numeral for 4444 is MMMMCDXLIV. The square root of 4444 is 66.663.