four hundred and fifty-six thousand
456 x 1000 = 456000
4.56 x 10^5
To convert a number in scientific notation to normal form:· If b is positive, move the decimal point b places to the right in the number a - adding 0s at the end of the number, if required.· If b is negative, move the decimal point b places to the left in the number a - adding leading 0s after the decimal point, if required.For example:4.56*105 = 456000.4.56*10-5 = 0.0000456I have avoided using the term "Standard form" because, ironically, it is a non-standard term. In the UK Standard and Scientific forms are the same (so, in answer to the question, you do nothing) whereas in the US, the Standard form is what I have chosen to call the normal form.
Scientific notation is a way of representing numbers, usually very large or very small, in the form a*10^b where 1
It is already in standard form.
9,670 is the standard form.
How do write 666 in standard form?
43,962 is the standard form.