30 percent as a decimal rounded to the thousandths place is 0.300.
Leave it exactly as it is. It IS rounded to the thousandths place.
1.664 rounded to the nearest ten thousandths place is 1.6640
5.8125 rounded to the nearest thousandths-place is 5.813
462.999 - unless it is being rounded to the nearest thousandths or smaller.
1,325 rounded to the thousandths place is 1,325.000
3256889 is an integer and so is already rounded to the thousandths place.
500 is.
0.5452 rounded to the nearest thousandths place is 0.545
7.1385 rounded to the nearest thousandths place is 7.139
30 percent as a decimal rounded to the thousandths place is 0.300.
Leave it exactly as it is. It IS rounded to the thousandths place.
21.908 is already rounded to the nearest thousandths place.
1.664 rounded to the nearest ten thousandths place is 1.6640
2,345,678 rounded to the nearest hundred thousandths place is 2,345,678.000Rounded to the nearest hundred thousands place it is 2,300,000