Well, let's see here, when you divide 46 by 7, you get 6 with a remainder of 4. Just like painting, sometimes we have a little bit left over that doesn't quite fit perfectly, and that's okay! It's all part of the beautiful equation of life.
46 divided by 7 is 6 with a remainder of 4. This means that when you divide 46 by 7, you get 6 as the whole number part of the quotient and 4 as the remainder. The remainder represents the amount left over after dividing as evenly as possible.
Well, darling, 46 divided by 7 is 6 with a remainder of 4. So, if you're looking to split 46 into groups of 7, you'll have 6 full groups and 4 left over. Math can be a real party pooper sometimes, but hey, that's just how the numbers crumble.