for any given whole number (46 in your example) there is are associated decimal values for it, usually written to display how accurately your measurements of that value are. These decimal values increase in powers of 10 as you move to the right of the decimal place. For example: the value of 1 is measured with an accuracy of 1/10000, so we shall write it as 1.0000 indicating that we are accurate to within 1/10000th of what we measured. In your example, the nearest 100th would be 2 decimal places away, or 46.00 indicating that your measurements are only accurate to within 1/100th of a unit.
It is still 2970 although, if you wanted to show that it was accurate to the nearest 100th you could write is as 2970.00
To the nearest hundredth 569 is 569.00
168.211 to the nearest 100th is 168.21.
7,373 rounded to the nearest 100th is 7,373.00
9.098 rounded to nearest 100th is 9.10
The answer is 12.35 because the .35 is already rounded to the nearest 100th. The 3 is the 10th place, and the 5 is in the 100th place.
35 to the nearest hundredths = 35.00
It is still 2970 although, if you wanted to show that it was accurate to the nearest 100th you could write is as 2970.00
To the nearest hundredth 569 is 569.00
It is already rounded to the nearest hundredth as 2248.65
3.78 is.