4800 / 2 is equal to 2,400.
The decimal form of the square root of 4800 is equal to 69.28203230. However, if you are looking for the answer in non-decimal form: √4800 = √100*16*3 = 10*4*√3 = 40√3.
There are 10 millimetres in one centimetre. Therefore, 4800 centimetres is equal to 4800 x 10 = 48000 millimetres.
4800 divided 100 = 48
480 times 10 is equal to 4800.
There are 480 tens in 4800. This is because each place value position represents a power of 10, with the tens place representing 10 to the power of 1. Therefore, when you divide 4800 by 10, you get 480, which is the number of tens in 4800.
4800 / 2 is equal to 2,400.
480/10 = 480 480 tens is 4,800/1 to the tenth it 4,800
The decimal form of the square root of 4800 is equal to 69.28203230. However, if you are looking for the answer in non-decimal form: √4800 = √100*16*3 = 10*4*√3 = 40√3.
Such that a kilometre is equal to 1000 metres, so a kilolitre is equal to 1000 litres. Therefore, 4800 litres is equal to 4800 / 1000 = 4.8 kilolitres.