1261 can be divided by any number. For whole number example: 1261 / 13 = 97 For decimal number example: 1261 / 7 = 180.142857143
48 divided by 8 is 6 and 8 divided by 48 is 0.1 reoccurring 6
48 divided by 3.14 is ~15.29
1261 can be divided by any number. For whole number example: 1261 / 13 = 97 For decimal number example: 1261 / 7 = 180.142857143
The equation for this can be represented as: n/1261 = m2, where n is our target number and m is an integer Since there are an infinite number of integers to plug into m, there are an infinite number of perfect squares, which means there are an infinite number of solutions to n. n = m2 * 1261 The first few solutions could be: n = 1261, m = 1; (1261)/1261 = 12 = 1 n = 5044, m = 2; (5044)/1261 = 22 = 4 n = 11349, m = 3; (11349)/1261 = 32 = 9 n = 20176, m = 4; (20176)/1261 = 42 = 16 n = 31525, m = 5; (31525)/1261 = 52 = 25
1261 and 1
48 divided by 8 is 6 and 8 divided by 48 is 0.1 reoccurring 6
1 divided by (1/48) = 48
48 divided into 1218 = 0.03940886699507389
48 divided by 3.14 is ~15.29