

What is 4 add 3?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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4 + 3 = 7

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Q: What is 4 add 3?
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To add mixed numbers and whole numbers, you simply treat the mixed numbers like they are whole numbers (4 3/4) turns to (4), then add the regular whole number, say, 7, and then re-add the fraction. For example, if you were adding 4 3/4 and 7, you would change 4 3/4 to 4, add 7 to get 11, then add the 3/4 back in, to give you 11 3/4.

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If you are adding three or more numbers together, it doesn't matter which ones you add together first. For example: 3 + 4 + 1 Add the 3 and 4 to get 7, then add the 1 to get 8. Add the 4 and 1 to get 5, then add the 3 to get 8. Add the 3 and 1 to get 4, then add the 4 to get 8. In each case, the end result was always 8.

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To add mixed numbers with like denominators, first add the whole numbers, then add the fractions. For example: 2 2/3 + 4 1/3 = ?? First add the whole numbers. 2 2/3 + 4 1/3 = 6? Then add the fractions. 2 2/3 + 4 1/3 = 6 3/3 Simplify. 3/3 is one. 2 2/3 + 4 1/3 = 6 + 1 = 7.

What is 3 plus 4 plus 6?

3+4+6 easily equals 13. There is a few ways to do it. 3+4 equals seven. Then add 6 and you get 13. 3+6 equals nine. Then add 4 and you get 13. 4+6 equals ten. Then add 3 and you get 13.

What do you add to 13 over 4 to make 4?

It is 13/4+3/4 = 4

Do how mean add?

To ADD means to do the PLUS operation, which you can find on any calculator. For example, to add 3 and 4, you type the following on the calculator:3 + 4

How do you get 6 with 3 and 4 and 1?

you add 3 and 4 then subtract 1

What is three add minus four?

3 + (-4) = 3 - 4 = -1

How do you add 1 2 3 4?

All You Have To Do Is First Add 1 Then 2 More Then 3 More Then 4 More.

4 plus 6 plus 3 equals?

4 plus 6 plus 3 equals?Add 4 and 6 and get 10, then add 3 and 10 and get 13. Therefore, the answer to 4+6+3 is 13.

What number will add to 4 and then subtract 5 to get 3?

4, 4+4=8-5=3

What is the next term in sequence in 1-4-8-13?

19. Add 3, then add 4, then add 5, then add 6,etc.