

What is 4 square root 32?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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13y ago

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4*sqrt(32) = 4*sqrt(16*2) = 4*sqrt(16)*sqrt(2) = 4*4*sqrt(2) = 16*sqrt(2)

= 22.6274 (to 4 dp)

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Q: What is 4 square root 32?
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Is 16 the square root of 32?

No. 16 is one-half of 32. In order to be a square root, the number times itself has to equal a number. For example, 2 x 2 = 4, so 2 is the square root of 4.

What is the square root of 32?

Rounded to two decimal places, the square root of 3.2 is equal to 1.79.Expressed as a surd, the square root of 3.2 is equal to (4 (sqrt 5)) / 5.

What is the square root of 32 in radical form?

You can factor out the Root(16) which equals 4. So the answer is 4 Root(2).

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