Blank = zero.
5.2 x 5 = 26 13 x 2 = 26
Assuming integers: 52 * 1 = 26 * 2 = 13 * 3
2÷ by what equals 146
7 times blank = 2 times blank
2 plus 2 plus 2 times 2= ?
Blank = zero.
It is: 2*75 = 150
Well, now isn't 2 plus 2 equals 42 times 2 equals 42 times 2 equals 2 plus 2 equals 42 times -2 equals 2 plus -2 equals 0 WAIT 2 times -2 equals negative 4 according to mathematics. No teacher nor professor has been able to even do more than stutter explaining this.3 times 3 equals 93 times -3 equals -9So why is the digit 2 different?
5.2 x 5 = 26 13 x 2 = 26
Assuming integers: 52 * 1 = 26 * 2 = 13 * 3
2÷ by what equals 146
20 = 400