50000 is a whole number
The number of thousands in a crore is 10,000. A crore is equal to 10 million, which is 10 thousand thousands.
Any value greater than the number 50000
To write 500 crore in numerical form, you would write it as 500,00,00,000. In the Indian numbering system, a crore is equal to ten million (10,000,000), so 500 crore is equivalent to 5 billion (5,000,000,000) in the Western numbering system.
$ 10 billion ( @ 1USD = Rs 50)
50000 as a NUMBER it is 50,000 (Note the comma) In words, it is 'Fifty thousand'.
1 billion (short form) is 100 crore.
50000 is a whole number
50-80 crore 50-80 crore
30,14,097 or, in a more internationally accepted form, 3,014,097
The answer is 1500000000.
It is 54200000.
It is 1,50,00,000
The number "one crore thirty six thousand" can be written as 1,36,000.