75% in lowest terms is 3/4
The fraction 75/100 is equivalent to 3/4 in its lowest terms or 0.75 as a decimal
To express a decimal as a percent, multiply it by 100. (0.75 = 75%) To express a decimal as a fraction, say it out loud. (0.75 = "seventy-five hundredths" = 75/100) To reduce a fraction to its lowest terms, find the GCF of the numerator and the denominator and divide them both by it. (75/100 = 3*25/4*25 = 3/4)
.75 can be written in fraction form as 75/100If we divide cancel out the common factor (25) we get 3/4, because there are three 25's that go into 75, and four 25's that go into 100.
75% = 3/4
75%= 75/100 = 3/4
75% in lowest terms is 3/4
50/75 = 2/3
3/4 in fraction form
It is: 75/400 = 3/16 in its lowest terms
It is: 75/1000 = 3/40 reduced to its lowest terms
75/90 as a fraction in its lowest terms = 5/6
The fraction 75/100 is equivalent to 3/4 in its lowest terms or 0.75 as a decimal
It is: 0.075 = 75/1000 = 3/40 in its lowest terms