549 divided by 5 equals 109.8. When dividing 549 by 5, we are essentially distributing 549 into 5 equal groups. Each group would have 109 with a remainder of 4. Therefore, the quotient is 109 with a remainder of 4, or 109.8 when expressed as a decimal.
Oh, dude, you're hitting me with the math questions. Alright, let me dust off my calculator... 549 divided by 5 is like 109.8. So, technically, if you're looking for a whole number answer, it's 109 with a remainder of 4. But who's counting, right?
Well, honey, 549 divided by 5 is 109.8. So, technically speaking, if you want a whole number answer, it's 109 with a remainder of 4. But hey, who's counting?