56 divided by 6 is 9.33
Well, darling, 6 divided by 12.36 is approximately 0.48544. So, there you have it, simple math for simple minds.
6*55 = 330
add up all the numbers and divid by 11
Multiply 55 by 3 so that 2 is to 55 as 6 is to 165
56 divided by 6 is 9.33
It would weigh 666.67 pounds because you divid by 6. It would weigh 666.67 pounds because you divid by 6.
There are 6 syllables. Sus-tain-a-bil-i-ty.
Well, darling, 6 divided by 12.36 is approximately 0.48544. So, there you have it, simple math for simple minds.
6*55 = 330
6 X 55 = 330
55 x 6 = 330
6 divided by 55 is 0.109090909091
55 divided by 6 is 9.17
If 2 is to 55 then 6 is to 165