3/5 is simplified by 33/55
To simplify 48 over 110, you first need to find the greatest common divisor of the two numbers, which is 2. Divide both the numerator and the denominator by 2 to get 24 over 55. Therefore, 48 over 110 simplified is 24 over 55.
2/5 × 10/11 = 20/55 simplified to 4/11
569/990 Is in simplest form.
154/990 = 7/45
220/990 = 2/9
.99 * * * * * That is the decimal equivalent. The simplified ratio for 990/1000 is 99/100
3/5 is simplified by 33/55
The LCM is 990.
It is 11/12 when simplified (divide both the 55 and 60 by 5).
55/11 = 5
42/55 is already simplified.