Rounded to the nearest tenth, it 147.3. Rounded to the nearest one, it is 147. Rounded to the nearest hundred, it is 100.
5.264 rounded to the nearest ones place is 5
Rounded off to the nearest ones is 775, rounded off to the nearest tens is 780, rounded off to the nearest one hundreds is 800.
what is 3.18 to the nearest one
Nine and one half rounded to the nearest half is nine and one half.
Rounded to the nearest ones place it is: 436
what is 0.5 rounded to the nearest one
It is already rounded to the nearest one.
Rounded to the nearest tenth, it 147.3. Rounded to the nearest one, it is 147. Rounded to the nearest hundred, it is 100.
7.91 rounded to the nearest one is 8.
4.27 rounded to the nearest one is 4
They are rounded to 8 and 6 to the nearest ones, respectively
79.6 rounded to the nearest one is 80.
When rounding 16.908 to the nearest one, we look at the digit in the tenths place, which is 9. Since 9 is greater than or equal to 5, we round up. Therefore, 16.908 rounded to the nearest one is 17.
1.59 rounded to the nearest one digit is 2
7.44 rounded to the nearest one is 7.
What is 5.6 rounded to the nearest one?