GCF(40, 56, 96) = 8
The closest value is the actual value, 5376. No other value can get closer.
8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 72 80 88 96
184. The difference between each term is -2 times the previous difference: 100 + -4 = 96 96 + (-4 x -2 = 96 + 8 = 104 104 + (8 x -2) = 104 + -16 = 88 88 + (-16 x -2) = 88 + 32 = 120 120 + (32 x -2) = 120 + -64 = 56 So the next difference is -64 x -2 = 128: 56 + (-64 x -2) = 56 + 128 = 184
Exactly 56 times
The GCF of 56 and 96 is 8.
once (1 time) your welcome myself
The GCF of 56 and 96 is 8.
The GCF is 8.
56 = 23 x 7; 96 = 25 x 3
GCF(40, 56, 96) = 8
The closest value is the actual value, 5376. No other value can get closer.
56 28,2 14,2,2 7,2,2,2 96 48,2 24,2,2 12,2,2,2 6,2,2,2,2 3,2,2,2,2,2
{-96, -14, 3, 56, 439}