In construction its 5 millimeters, in banking its 5 million, in engineering it could be milliamps, milliseconds, milli-anything!
5 mil
5 mil is 0.005 inch. or 5 thousandths of an inch. Many people claim it is millimeters, but that would be denoted by 5mm.
Derek Jeter has played shortstop for the New York Yankees since 1996. Here's his yearly salary: 1996- $120,000 1997- $540,000 1998- $750,000 1999- $5 mil 2000- $10 mil 2001- $12.6 mil 2002- $14.6 mil 2003- $15.6 mil 2004- $18.6 mil 2005- $19.6 mil 2006- $20.6 mil 2007- $21.6 mil 2008- $21.6 mil 2009- $21.6 mil 2010- $22.6 mil 2011- $14,729,364
Not really. I would be looking for at least a 5 mil.
That is correct.
About 1 teaspoon
2 million and 8 million ____________________________ Actually its 1 mil, then 2 mil, then 5 mil, then 20mil
deh album sold over 30 million albums 10 mil in usa and ova 20 mil worldwide
5 mil
Sixty percent of 5 milliliters is 3 mm.
This should be easier to understand. 3 mil clean. 5 mil+ scrolled.
She had a net worth of $5 mil.